For certain is death for the born
And certain is birth for the dead;
Therefore over the inevitable
Thou shouldst not grieve. Bhagavad GitaThis memorial website was created to remember our dearest Tommy Wharff who was born in Ohio ,United States on January 20, 1987 and passed away on February 16, 2009. Age 22 . You will live forever in our memories and hearts.
Please feel free to look around and light a candle in Tommy's memory.

light a candle,
see it glow,
watch it dance,
when you feel low,
think of me,
think of light,
I'll always be here,
day or night,
a candle flickers,
out of sight,
but in your heart,
I still burn bright,
think not of sadness,
that I'm not near,
think of gladness,
and joyous cheer,
I have not left,
I am not gone,
I'm here to stay
so when you light a candle
and you see it glow
and you watch it dance
in your heart you'll know
that I would never leave you
even when you feel so blue
I'm sitting up here with the Lord
Watching over you.
Tommy Feb 16, 2009

Remember Me.....
Remember me on quiet days
When raindrops whisper on your pane;
But in your memories have not grief,
Let just the joy we knew remain.
Remember me when evening stars
Look down on you with steadfast eyes;
And when your thoughts do turn to me,
Know that I would not have you cry;
But live for me and laugh for me -
When you are happy, so am I.
Remember an old joke we shared;
Remember me when spring walks by;
Think of me when you are glad,
And while you live, I shall not die.

Please don't sing sad songs for me,
Forget your grief and fears,
For I am in a perfect place
Away from pain and tears...
It's far away from hunger
And hurt and want and pride,
I have a place in Heaven
With the Master at my side.
My life on earth was very good,
As earthly life can go,
But Paradise is so much more
Than anyone can know...
My heart is filled with happiness
And sweet rejoicing, too.
To walk with God is perfect peace,
A joy forever new.
Tommy feb.16, 20

When Will It End”
When will it end, I hear them say
This sorrow and grief you are feeling today
We’re sorry to hear that your son is gone
We know you’re in pain, but life must go on
It happens all the of time, young people must go
We’re sure you have seen it, you should know.
Time heals all wounds and it always gets better
All of them say it, to the word and the letter
When will it end, I say never you see
For he is my son, his name is Tommy
This sorrow and grief I am feeling today
Will be with me always and never go away
Yes, my son is gone from here on this Earth
But, I’ve kept him in my heart since the day of his birth
He may not be here to hug when he’s cold
But, I will bear any pain for his memories I hold
The pain may not be as intense as the first day
But, it’s right there inside you, and never goes away
Some days aren’t so bad, others I could scream
It’s these days he always comes to me in a dream
He tells me he is fine and that he is o.k.
Don’t listen to those people, do it your own way
When will it end, they ask one more time
A definite answer they are hoping to find
When will it end I hear all of them say
As long as I’m breathing,
the pain is here to stay

My Precious Son
I Wish I Could See You One More Time
Come Walking Through My Door
But, I Know That Is Impossible
I Will Hear Your Voice No More
I Know You Can Feel My Tears
And You Don’t Want Me To Cry
Yet, My Heart Is Broken
Because I Can’t Understand Why
Someone So Precious Had To Die
I Pray That God Will Give Me Strength
And Somehow Get Me Through
As I Struggle With This Heartache
That Was Caused By Losing You
In Precious Memory Of Tommy
Who Walked Through Heaven's Gate

Day by day I think of you
how can all of this be true?
I can't believe you're really gone,
I still can't accept it,
Even after so long.
Just the thought of you makes me cry,
I never even got the chance to say goodbye.
Every picture, every letter,
I don't know if it will ever get better.
I always smell your familiar scent;
It makes me think of all of the times we've spent.
So many things I never got to say,
I never imagined you'd ever be so far away.
You were my son,
And I loved you so much.
In my heart you'll always be,
You’ll be my guide and help me see.
I'll never forget your soothing voice,
I would take your place if I had a choice.
But now I have to let you rest,
Although without you my world's a mess.
I miss you with all of my heart;
I wish we never had to part.
I know you're always by my side,
So now I guess this is my goodbye...