you were with your younger brother when you passed away. you had spent the day with dr berhoffer and his wife doing land scaping. you had a nice dinner with them and talked about anything and everything. i m sometimes jeolus you were with them your last night herer on earth. they loved you just like you were theres. your brother came and got you around 11pm. you stopped and got a yohoo and went to stay with your brother(corey )for the night. you two played vidio games untill 1 am. you went to bed. the next morning your brother found you gone. we all cant seem to accept you died in your slleep. i know it was peacefull and i should be happy you did not suffer and i am. it is just so hard to comperhend. paula was with me that night before you passed. we even said we should call you of course we just kept on talking with each other and it got to late. i wished i had. I am happy you were people who loved you so much like the bernhoffers. they miss you as much as me. your brothers are hanging in there. loosing you has just made our lives a living hell. i miss you so much.